2017-2018 Board of Directors Election

Previous Announcement’s

The 2016 Nominating Committee has met and worked to prepare the slate of nominees for the 2017-2018 Board of Directors per direction of the USACTC Bylaws.  Below you will find the selections of the committee. All nominees have been contacted and have agreed to accept their nomination. Questionnaires have been completed and are on file in preparation to present to the membership when all nominees are presented for vote to the members. The Nominating Committee has now completed its assignment.


Debra Nemrow,

Past President and 2016 Nominating Committee Chair

2016 USACTC Nominating Committee Slate

President-Kathy Garcia

Vice President-Ruth Weidrick

Recording Secretary-Linda Behrens

Membership Secretary-Mary Ellen O’Brien

Treasurer-Kent McKown


Danna Deimler-Eastern Rep

Melissa Snell-Southern Rep

Elaine Baird-Northern Rep

Central Rep – Inga Young 

Elizabeth Pettit-Western

Rep Past President- automatic position- Justine Romano




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