Services – Join Our Club


The United States of America Coton de Tulear Club welcomes interested Coton owners to learn more about the club. We enjoy the company of other Coton lovers, breeders and enthusiasts, and share relevant information about new developments concerning the Coton. The USACTC currently holds one National Specialty plus Supported Entries throughout the year. At these shows prizes and titles are awarded to the winning Coton in conformation. We are exploring Specialties that offers Agility and Rally so we can encourage our non-conformation Cotons to participate.  Attending these shows is fun and informative and allows Coton fanciers to see and show off our beautiful breed!  Our club is officially licensed by the American Kennel Club. The USACTC encourages Coton breeders and owners to exhibit their Cotons in events approved by the American Kennel Club. As Parent Club we are committed to the highest spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship!
Applicants must apply on the current form, as approved by the Board of Directors and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws and the Rules of The American Kennel Club as well as the Constitution and Bylaws, Members Code of Ethics and Rules of the United States of America Coton de Tulear Club as long as those are not in conflict with those of The American Kennel Club.
Correct Fees and a Signature are REQUIRED for applications to be processed.  Applicant and members must be 18 years of age, must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club.  Applicants and members must not be involved in litigation against the USACTC, Inc., or The American Kennel Club. All Membership applications are subject to Board approval.  Membership is open to all people who own or are interested in the Coton de Tulear breed and we welcome you to apply for membership. All Membership Applications must have a two sponsors, usually your breeder or another Coton owner who is a member in good standing. Membership is for one year, January to January.  Please review our Constitution By-Laws and Members Code of Conduct   and Rules of the American Kennel Club, prior to submitting application