USACTC has a Yahoo chat group called Coton Talk USA, that our members are invited to join upon membership. This group is for club members only chatting with club members about your lovely Coton, post photos, ask questions like, “has your Coton done this”? It is meant to be a social gathering for Coton lovers. Participation is not mandatory. You have the option of receiving Individual Emails, Daily Digest (one email with entire day postings) or No Emails, or you can go to the online ( Coton Talk and view all postings without clogging up your email. You must use the email address listed on your membership application to participate. You may also check the group “on the web” for previous conversations, photos, files, attachments.
Group Settings
- This is a restricted group.
- Attachments are permitted.
- Members cannot hide email address.
- Not listed in Yahoo Groups directory.
- Membership requires approval.
- Messages are not moderated.
- All members can post messages.
Group Email Addresses
- Post Message
- Subscribe
- Unsubscribe
- List Owner
- Website address for online Coton Talk USA 2018:…/Coton_TalkUSA2018/info
USACTC, On-Line is our Yahoo Group for News Flashes to our members. This group is not a chat group, all new members are invited and encouraged to join. This group serves as communication to our members of club announcement or news. This email group, you may select same options of receiving emails, however, News Flashes are not frequent but every one is important communication to all our members. So, please accept this invitation to join. You must use the email address listed on your membership application to participate.
Group Settings
- This is a restricted group.
- Attachments are permitted.
- Members cannot hide email address.
- Not listed in Yahoo Groups directory.
- Membership requires approval.
- Messages require approval.
- Only moderators can post messages.
Group Email Addresses
- Subscribe (Members Only)
- Unsubscribe
- List Owner
- Website address for USACTC On Line:
Please check back for Group Rules