Rules & Regulations & Code of Conduct/Ethics
As a member of the USACTC, Inc., I agree to comply with the rules, regulations and Codes of Conduct/Ethics.
- The American Kennel Club Rules & Regulations
- AKC Code of Sportsmanship,
- AKC Breeders Rules & Regulations
- Club’s Policy and Procedure (that will be posted at a later date)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the USACTC, Inc,
- Breed Standard
- USACTC Members Code of Conduct/Ethics
- Breed Welfare Code of Conduct/Ethics
Breed Welfare
Welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the breed and our breed club, the USACTC, Inc. At anytime that I, as a USACTC, Inc. member make a personal decision to become a breeder and choose not to join the USACTC Breeders Directory, I agree to adhere to the USACTC Breed Welfare Code of Ethics, always considering the welfare of the breed as paramount.
Should a Coton de Tulear turn up in a rescue situation, I shall do whatever is within my ability to ensure the welfare of the dog, either retrieving the dog personally or assisting rescue in every way possible.
Club Goals and Objectives
As a club member, I support the success, purpose, advancement or goals governing the club by The USACTC Board of Directors, as the vehicle through which this organization operates, who have committed themselves to the values of honesty, courtesy and fair play, under the laws of the state of incorporation. I will be respectful and will not discredit my reputation, club members or club officers, or any of its goals, objectives, or policies in the execution of his/her duties by misconduct. This will include any form of media, technical communications, emails, Facebook, twitter, texting or any chat group. As a USACTC member, I will be responsible for my actions I will not engage in actions that constitute conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or of the Breed. Any attempt to undermine or devalue the reputation, success, purpose, advancement or goals of the club will not be tolerated regardless the public medium used to communicate those negative actions.
Social Media
Member Responsibility
It is your responsibility to be respectful at all times on all USACTC, Inc. Social Media . You are expected to show the same respect and regard for people that you would when exhibiting at any USACTC, or AKC sanctioned event.
Ensure all Comments are Factually Correct.
Always assume what you are talking or writing about will be seen, ensure all comments are factual, and not just a personal opinion.
Use Social Media as a Positive Outlet .
Social Media can have a positive effect for our Club, be used to promote our club, our breed, and a way to reach other Coton enthusiasts involved in the fancy of our breed. Posting upcoming shows or show results, individual breed accomplishments posted on social media helps to make many people aware of our Club and individual achievements.
Do Not be Harmful to others or our Club.
Do not use any public social media to be critical of our club or member with negative comments, images, bullying, criticism or negative remarks as it can be dangerous and harmful to the overall wellbeing and reputation of our club, its members or Board of Directors. Negative remarks not only impact negatively on the people they are about, they reflect badly on yourself.
Poor Social Media Behavior or Actions
Poor conduct will not be tolerated or condoned. Poor behavior or choices on social media may have serious consequences. In the instance the breach is serious, you may be permanently removed as a USACTC member.
Links of Interest:
USACTC:Policy/Procedure ( posted at a later date)
Breed Welfare Code of Ethics |
AKC:Rules and Regulations
Regulations for Breeders (found on downloading forms) |