Jan 29, 2017
2017 USACTC Board of Directors (New Board Announcement)
Dear Members,
Our nominating committee determined a slate of members for our club’s Board of Directors for 2017-2018. Since no additional nominations were mailed by January 25, 2017, the nominating committee’s slate shall be declared elected.
2017 USACTC Board of Directors
President-Kathy Garcia
Vice President-Ruth Weidrick
Recording Secretary-Linda Behrens
Membership Secretary-Diane Rinella
Treasurer-Kent McKown
Northern Rep –Melissa Engelking
Southern Rep- Charlotte Cox
Eastern Rep –Danna Deimler
Western Rep – Jessica McIntyre
Central Rep – John David Keithley
Past President- Automatic position- Justine Romano
Nomination Committee Slate 01/11/2017
Dear Members,
Our Nominating Committee has determined a slate of nominees for our club’s Board of Directors for 2017-2018. The slates of names are listed below along with a brief biography on each candidate. Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to; Linda Behrens, 5858 Southridge Drive, Brownsburg, IN 46112. Any additional nominations must be postmarked no later than January 25, 2017, accompanied with a written letter of acceptance of each nominee signifying his or her willingness to be a candidate. These nominees must submit the same information by responding to the same questions provided by the Board for each candidate. A blank USACTC_2017Candidate_Questionnaire PDF document is attached and a list of our members is below. If no valid additional nominations are received by the deadline, the Nominating Committee’s slate shall be declared elected and no balloting will be required. Please review the Constitution and Bylaws, Article V. Our first election was ruled invalid by the majority of the Board of Directors and a professional Parliamentarian; this was noted at our annual meeting on December 30, 2016. The meeting minutes will be provided when our Financial Report is complete. Thank you in advance for your participation in our election process.
Sincerely, Justine Romano
USACTC President , usactcpresident@gmail.com
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 9:59 PM, Tracy McSherry-McKown <tracym@riverradio.net> wrote:
The Nominating Committee has met and worked to prepare the slate of nominees for the 2017-2018 Board of Directors per direction of the USACTC Bylaws. Below you will find the selections of the committee. All nominees have been contacted and have agreed to accept their nomination. Questionnaires have been completed and are on file in preparation to present to the membership when all nominees are presented for vote to the members. The Nominating Committee has now completed its assignment.
Tracy McKown
Nominating Committee Chair
2017 USACTC Nominating Committee Slate
President-Kathy Garcia
Vice President-Ruth Weidrick
Recording Secretary-Linda Behrens
Membership Secretary-Diane Rinella
Treasurer-Kent McKown
Northern Rep –Melissa Engelking
Southern Rep- Charlotte Cox
Eastern Rep –Danna Deimler
Western Rep – Jessica McIntyre
Central Rep – John David Keithley
Past President- Automatic position- Justine Romano